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Strength and power are definitely two things you will need to excel in your sport. But there is a third piece of the puzzle that will work to maximize your athletic potential. Flexibility.

Growing up, I was always told by coaches and teachers that I had to stretch before I would play or work out to protect my muscles. I would always roll my eyes or just not do it because it was boring. I wanted to play! When I got to high school though, everything changed. There was something different about the REAL athletes that I started coming across on the court. Yes they were strong. Yes they were fast. Yes they were explosive. They were also VERY flexible, which caught me off guard at the time. So, I know you’re asking…what does this have to do with being athletic?

Well, think of your muscles as being sets of rubber bands. I’m sure you’ve shot a rubber band across your room or a classroom before. What did you have to do? Did you just pull it back a little and then it went flying? Of course not. You stretched that thing back as far as possible (at least I did) and tried to turn it into a rocket. This same concept applies to your muscles. The more your muscles can stretch before contracting back into place, the more power you have the potential to create when they contract. So basically, the more flexible you are the stronger and more powerful you can become (potentially). There are a few things to remember when it comes to stretching though.


  • Use dynamic stretching (stretches with movement) before a workout and static stretching (stretches with holds) for after a workout.

  • Be consistent with your routine.

  • Listen to your body while you’re stretching. DO NOT stretch to the point of pain.

There are tons of stretching exercises that you can add to your routine to gradually increase your flexibility. Use AT LEAST one exercise for each muscle group when doing both dynamic and static stretching. Play around with the combinations too!

Be Great guys.

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