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How To Create Automation For Better Focus

So I’m sure you’re asking...”what does automation have to do with focusing?” No scratch that…what IS automation?

Automation is another way to describe forming habits. It is basically a concept where you work to create systems in your life (or your young athlete’s life) that will eliminate some of the energy they use for guess work, and make it available for more important activities like studying and their sports. It’s pretty easy to get started and the process is totally subjective to the habits you are looking to instill in your athletes.

One thing you can add to an athlete’s day to start the process:

Schedule a specific time for them to start homework each day

After a long day at school and practice, it might become easier to let off the gas. Creating a scheduled time for starting homework and being consistent with following the schedule can eventually create a new, highly productive habit for your athletes. In general, it takes about 10 weeks of consistent action to form a new habit (don’t believe the hype of 21 days). It’ll take a lot of hard work, and yet, when they make it to the other side, doing the homework at night will become as second nature to them as brushing their teeth (might not be a good analogy…I know I skipped my share when I was younger).

Like I said, you can totally personalize this process so that it fits specifically with your family’s traditions and practices each day.

Give it a try and tell me how it goes!

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