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Being Great Is A State Of Mind

The fact that you made your way here is a sign that you are in that mindset. Michael Phelps, an Olympic Swimmer, once said that "You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the further you get". Perfect example of that mindset.

A lot of times, the biggest obstacle that keeps us from reaching our that person looking back at us when we're standing in the mirror. It can be really hard to move ANYWHERE when you are trying to fight against yourself.

So then think about what would happen if that same obstacle...became an ally. The possibilities at only 50% (or less) of your potential would INSTANTLY double with just that one shift. The big question is:


Well believe it or not, a big part of making that change has to come from you. It all starts with being aware of how you "talk to yourself" throughout the day. When you don't understand something your teacher covers in class, what do you say to yourself? If you miss a shot during a game or in practice, what immediately pops into your head? If any of your responses are negative or make you feel bad after thinking them, then that is exactly where we need to start. We all mess up! We all make mistakes! We all fail! What the great ones understand is that the mistakes and failures that we experience now, are BIG parts of the successes we will see in the future.

So try this:

The next time you make a mistake or don't do as well as you'd like to at something, instead of making a statement about it...ask a question. For example, there have been several days that I go to work out at the gym and it just isn't a good day. I feel weak or I'm tired or I just don't want to do it that day. I already know that it was a bad session. I can feel it. So instead of wasting time saying that again, I instead ask myself a couple questions:

Why was this session so bad today?

What can I do differently to make it a better one tomorrow?

That's it.

Asking those questions is what works for me specifically. Definitely try them out; but also, don't be afraid to come up with your own. Your family, coaches, and other people you trust can help you with this too. Believe me, when you truly start to become a fan of YOU, it'll blow the cap off this thing and there will be no limit to the heights you can reach.

Be Great.

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